Friday, March 30, 2012
Every Uni Number In The Sixties
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thursday 33s
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Mustache Monday: Starring Sam Elliott As Eric Rasmussen
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Merry Unbirthday: Dennis Rasmussen

It Is Your Birthday: Happy 60th, Eric Rasmussen!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Flip Side

21s For The 21st

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
More Monday Maddux: This Time Greg

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Guys Who Have Worn 18

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Scanlon & Scanlan

Friday, March 16, 2012
The FoC 200th Post Celebratory Review & Cardstravaganza
This is the 200th Friars on Cardboard post. In case you missed it (I know, I know, "I wouldn't say I missed it, Bob."), here's The FoC 100th Post Celebratory Review & Beardstravaganza. This one will be along the same lines, only with less emphasis on beards since it isn't May- just a mess of cards and randomness. I hope you enjoy.
First things first (i.e. while I'm still thinking about it), in a continuation of what I was blathering on about yesterday regarding the Gaslamp Ball Sisterhood
Of The Traveling Jersey jersey, another thought I had was to take a bunch of game-used jersey cards, gut them and sew all the little swatches along a hem or in another out-of-the way area. I only have two at the moment (the other being a David Wells I already profiled on here) because I never really got into the craze but I could stock up on a bunch by the time I get it (which reminds me for the 842nd time, I need to email jbox my address and preferred dates; I'm the world's worst when it comes to dealing with email- I can't explain it). They're only a couple bucks a pop and I think it would be neat.
The second hundred has taken a bit longer than the first hundred, with large chunks of time vacant altogether. It's been more consistent recently but, as we've seen before, that is subject to change without notice at any given point. In the second hundred, the blog began to find an identity of its own, possibly for the worst, with ongoing gimmicks such as Mustache
Monday and using the initials TTG to mean just about whatever. Oh, yeah, and the haikus. Nothing says phoning it in quite like some good old 5/7/5. Including the ten cards in this post, the last hundred have pictured 187 cards which, combined with the 138 from the first hundred gives us a grand total of 345. That's one of those numbers that seems like a lot but isn't. Or, at best, is relative. I wonder how tall a stack of 345 cards is. I don't wonder enough to count that many out just to find out, though.
There haven't been as many cards of Tony and Trevor this hundred. Not that I've ran out of cards, just that I've ran out of things to say. I mean, there's a world of information out there about both of them but that's the thing. They're both such big deals that they've already been dissected and broadcast to the nth degree. As fans, we already
know all there is to know about both of them, whereas it's fun for me to discover new things digging around trying to figure out what to say about the Dave Cashes and Dennis Rasmussens of the world. Not to say Gwynn and Hoffman won't be showing up on here, just that it requires a different approach. Man, I'm rambling. Talk about watching sausage being made...
There was only one guest post in the second half of the blog's existence, as opposed to the three in the first hundred, but it was a great one. The offer's still on the table, people. If there's a card or a player you'd like to write about here, just let me know. I need to bug Sam about getting that report on Austin Hedges onto my desk; he pulled the card last month but couldn't do
it then because Hedges is a cracker and February ain't havin' none of that. Other stuff on the table for the next hundred include, this, that and more of the same. Mustaches on Monday and whenever I post a Tony, it will continue to usually be on a Tuesday or Thursday so I can TTG the title because I'm like that. If I happen to post a Tony on any of the other five days of the week, I will continue to use the cop-out "Today's Tony Gwynn" because I'm like that. Also, there will eventually be the inevitable Dave Staton post later this summer along with the results of a bunch of destroyed game-used jersey cards. Like how I brought it back around to that? That's some writing right there. Thanks for reading it; stick around for the next hundred!

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Happy Birthday, Robert Fick!

Thursday's Throwback Threads: Tony

Monday, March 12, 2012
Every 12 in Padres' History

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