Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More Embarrassment For Grandal

Well, this just got uglier. I imagine you've already heard about the news out of Miami. They figured out who Yasmani Grandal and a bunch of other guys were getting their PEDs from. Where he got them didn't really matter at this point since he already got caught; the more damning part was the information as to when he got them. A lot of people had been excusing him or holding judgement under the pretense that he took them just to recover from his late-in-the-season injury. LobShots has a better rundown with all of the pertinent quotes and dates along with a hilarious illustration.

As for the card pictured above, I picked it up at the LCS this past summer. I got a good deal on it and was stoked for ages. These days, not so much. Anybody want to make a trade?

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the very same situation with the very same card. Dammit, Grandal!
