Monday, March 29, 2010

My Love For Joey Cora Knows No Bounds (Part I)

I’m always meaning to write something about Joey Cora on here but I have yet to actually do so. Maybe it’s because I feel like my stupid little words can’t do him justice; it’s certainly not for a lack of things to say. I don’t have that many cards of him as a Padre- mostly due to not that many existing- but enough to hammer out a few of my favorite Joey stories. But first, a little background…

As anybody who even kind of knows me knows, he is, without competition, my favorite player ever. I first took note of him when he was still a Padre; I pored over all Padres cards I pulled but took an instant liking to Joey, relating to his small stature, diminutive frame and virtual absence of anything even resembling power. At the time, my Friar fandom was confined to card collecting, box score reading and, when they played the Reds, radio listening so I never had an opportunity to see him in action until he’d been jettisoned, along with Warren Newsome, to the White Sox. He then officially became my favorite player as I got to witness him wring every last ounce of effort out of his tiny body, slapping singles, taking extra bases and diving for balls that mere mortals would let pass without a step. My love for him grew even more after he joined the Mariners…

Stay tuned for Part II tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I loved watching Joey play in Chicago! The Deacon (Warren Newson) became one of my favorites to watch too.
